JOBST® Relief
JOBST® Relief compression stockings are unisex circular-knit compression garments designed for everyday use. They provide consistent compression throughout the day.

Product options
What are the different compression classes?
Compression garments come in different compression classes, ranges, or levels. This description differs between regions or countries. In Germany, for example, the so-called RAL-GZG standard is dividing compression garments into four different compression classes from mild to very strong compression or class I-IV. The exact pressure of each compression garment is usually specified in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and varies according to medical necessity.
It is not always useful to assign a specific compression class to a certain condition, therefore Healthcare Professionals will make individual decisions on the suitability of a certain compression level for each patient. This is usually based on the clinical condition itself, the patient’s tolerability for compression, additional conditions, and further individual needs.
How to use the product
Tips for wearing JOBST® medical legwear:
- Turn the compression stocking inside out all the way to the heel. Pull apart the folded-in foot part using both hands and pull over the foot all the way to the heel.
- Gradually pull the compression stocking over instep and heel.
- Gradually pull the compression stocking upward by returning the stocking to a right side out position piece-by-piece.
- Distribute the stocking evenly by massaging with both hands until the stocking fits without forming creases. It is particularly helpful to wear rubber gloves for this step.
- For a waist high garment continue working the garment up to the middle.
- of your thigh. Stand up. With both hands, grab a handful of fabric and pull it up to your waist.
- Adjust your support so that it is snug at your midsection. This will keep it from sliding down. Pull the midsection to its proper height.
- Slip your hands, palm out, into the back and lift the fabric up and away from your skin. Let it fall back to fit snugly over the buttocks.
Other recommendations: To help your legs look and feel good, wear your JOBST® medical compression stockings regularly and consistently. Ideally, you should put on your compression stockings in the morning, immediately after getting up.
How to care for the product
JOBST® compression garments should be washed daily or at least every other day if possible. For this purpose, you may use a regular mild detergent. Do not use laundry additives such as fabric softener, optical brightener or stain remover. Rinse your compression garment well. Roll up the wet compression garment in a towel after washing and press out excess moisture. Do not wring. Do not dry the compression garment on a radiator or in direct sunlight. For tumble dryer compatibility, please check the product label of your compression garment.
Silicone band care: If the product has a silicone band, hand wash it to remove excess creams, lotions, hair, and other foreign material.
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Information for use
Please see Instructions for use for all safety information when using the product.