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What is lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a chronic (long-term) disease that is often misunderstood or mistaken for obesity or lymphoedema. Signs and symptoms of lipoedema are caused by a buildup of fatty tissue that leads to symmetrical swelling, discomfort, and pain in the legs, and, sometimes, the arms. Lipoedema occurs only in women.


Causes of lipoedema

If you break down the word ‘lipoedema’, it means ‘fat swelling’. The mechanism behind the buildup of fatty tissue is still unknown.

The first signs and symptoms of lipoedema usually occur during phases of weight gain that are often connected to hormonal changes, such as puberty, pregnancy, use of birth control pills, and menopause. Patients often report similar signs and symptoms of lipoedema in other female family members. Therefore, genetics may also play a role in the development of lipoedema. Research into any genetic cause(s) for lipoedema is still ongoing.

Illustration of a woman with lipoedema, showing disproportionate enlargement of legs and hips compared to the waist.

Signs and symptoms of lipoedema

As mentioned above, lipoedema only affects women. There are some typical signs that go ahead with lipoedema:

  • Enlargement of the legs (and less frequently the arms) due to the buildup of fatty tissue
  • Both legs (or arms) are affected in the same way
  • Shape disproportion with a narrow waist and larger hips and thighs
  • Normal appearance of hands and wrist, also called ‘cuffing or braceleting‘
  • Loss of ankle definition, whereas the calves seem to merge into the ankles

Common symptoms of lipoedema are:

  • Affected limbs feel tender, sensitive, or even painful
  • Affected tissue often feels cooler, softer, and can appear dimpled like orange-peel
  • Feeling of heavy legs that can limit the mobility

The signs and symptoms of lipoedema differ from the ones for lymphoedema. 

Who is affected by lipoedema? Get to know Ricarda! 

It was Ricarda’s mother who first noticed that her legs are larger than the rest of her body. She describes her life with lipoedema like a rollercoaster. Watch her story and learn how Ricarda managed living with a chronic disease.